•  ...har till syfte att utveckla samarbeten inom olika områden. Lystkom ansvarar för kommunernas kundtjänst, telefoni, e-tjänstekort samt IT-drift och teknisk support. Våra medarbetare finns på plats i alla fyra medlemskommuner. Lystkom är övertygade om att ett välkomnande... 


    9 dagar sedan
  •  ...arbetslivserfarenhet inom de relevanta områdena. - Du har förmågan att anpassa undervisning efter olika målgruppers behov och kunskapsnivåer. - Bra IT-mognad och tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med digitala hjälpmedel, såsom PowerPoint och andra digitala verktyg. - Är van och... 


    19 dagar sedan
  •  ...facilities, and we largely sell through our resellers. All our products and services are developed in-house. We are very proud of this, as it allows us to be flexible and capable of making customer-specific adaptations. One of our strengths is that all our products and... 

    Confirma Software

    1 dag sedan
  •  ...facilities, and we largely sell through our resellers. All our products and services are developed in-house. We are very proud of this, as it allows us to be flexible and capable of making customer-specific adaptations. One of our strengths is that all our products and... 

    Confirma Software

    23 dagar sedan
  •  ...facilities, and we largely sell through our resellers. All our products and services are developed in-house. We are very proud of this, as it allows us to be flexible and capable of making customer-specific adaptations. One of our strengths is that all our products and... 

    Confirma Software

    22 dagar sedan
  •  ...facilities, and we largely sell through our resellers. All our products and services are developed in-house. We are very proud of this, as it allows us to be flexible and capable of making customer-specific adaptations. One of our strengths is that all our products and... 

    Confirma Software

    23 dagar sedan