Community Manager (remote)

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What are you working on?
  • The name of the project(s): Cargo Hunters
  • At what stage of the project(s)? Beta
  • Genres: Shooter
  • Platforms: Mobile, PC

For which tasks (responsibilities)?

You will be responsible for creating & executing the community strategy, fostering healthy communities, producing and publishing engaging content and communication for game communities, such as blog posts, posts on social media (Discord, Reddit, Instagram, etc.), videos, and whatever you see fit. Also, you will manage store reviews on game distribution platforms.

What kind of professional are we looking for?

We are seeking a Community Manager for our new project, extraction shooter Cargo Hunters.


- relevant experience, passion, and tech-savvy about social media;

- aware of trends and benchmarks in your professional field;

- excellent communication and interpersonal skills, both English verbal and written.

The most important: Strong gaming experience in shooters.

Den lediga tjänsten publicerades 1 dag sedan

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